18 Month progress pictures! . These pictures are for my own use PLEASE DO NOT RE…

18 Month progress pictures! . These pictures are for my own use PLEASE DO NOT REPOST THEM! . I follow a ketogenic diet and use the "protein is the goal carb is the limit (20g net) and fat is is satisfy" approach..everyone ketos different this is what has worked for me. . I do not track macros or calories (with the exception of keeping my carbs under 20g net). I listen to my body. If you want to calculate yours there are lots of keto calculators online and it's based on your height weight etc . . I intermittent fast. I did not start this right always. I stopped feeling hungry in the morning after about 2 months. I generally follow a 16/8 (eat within an 8 hour window and fast for 16) but I listen to my body and eat when I'm hungry. . I incorporated excercise in October 2017; 9 months in but I wish I had started earlier. I switch up what I do all the time to time but at the moment I am doing a power (weights) class at the gym 2- 3 times a week and try to do some cardio but have been slacking so far this summer . I walk my dogs for an hour or so every night and get about 20000 steps per day. . I do my best to keep my foods as clean as possible. Substituting a keto version of a high carb food brings me to eat more and lose control..especially if it's sweet. This part has been difficult but it has helped me repair my relationship with food. . I do have extra skin and I don't mind it. I worked hard for this body! . Please do not compare yourself. Everyone's body responds to weightloss differently and if you are doing everything you can YOU ARE ENOUGH! . I get comments everyday about how you hope this is your year or you wish you could have these results. YOU CAN! Put in the work stop making excuses. Find the right "diet" and research it and make it a lifestyle. Change your mindset and your life will change. You didn't get to the weight you are over night and it won't come off overnight either. Make a plan and be consistent. And if you stumble give yourself a hug and keep going. I know you can do it!

Source by overnightoatsquinoa

