So I’m taking a break from tracking. I’m still going to be keeping a running tot…
So I’m taking a break from tracking. I’m still going to be keeping a running total in my head throughout the day but as far as logging in every single thing I’ve eaten is triggering my anxiety and my ED for some reason. All I think about is what I’m going to eat and if my macros are going to perfect and of they’re not I’ll have major food remorse. I don’t like being this way but it’s just the way my brain is working lately and I feel like eliminating tracking every single thing that goes on my mouth. Not so much pressure maybe? Who knows. What I DO know is I lost the first 50 something pounds with keeping a total in my head and I did just fine. Hopefully this will ease my anxiety and my mind in general a little bit. I’m sure I’ll be back to tracking but right now it’s just not the thing for me #ketoweightlosstransformation #ketogenicfood #keto #lazyketo #ketogenic #ketoaf #ketodiet #ketogenicweightloss #ketogenicdiet #ketoliving #ketolifestyle #weightloss #weightlossjourney #bulimiarecovery #eatingdisorderrecovery #intermittentfastingresults #intermittentfasting #IF #intermittentfast #pcosweightloss #pcos #pcossurvivor #pcosdiet #polycysticovaries #hypothyroidweightloss #hypothyroidism #hypothyroid #insulinresistance #insulinresistanceweightloss