STUDY SHOWS WHAT A KETOGENIC DIET DID TO MICE WITH SYSTEMIC METASTATIC CANCER You may bewondering what is a ketogenic diet? Its a diet that promotes several different health benefits for the human body benefits that arise when weput ourselves in starvation mode. And it makes sense; thousands of years ago humans didnt have access to food every single day. We often went many days without a kill and many wild animals do the same today. We are biologically built to go long periods of time without food and when we do so we turn on genes and activate aspects of our biology that improve our health in a multitude of ways. Yet were constantly eating and as a result our bodies are always burning sugar for fuel instead of fat. The human body only has two fuel sources fat and glycogen (sugar). When we have a lot of sugar stored inthe body (from consuming carbohydrates for example which turn into sugar) our body uses that sugar tofeed our brain and other organs providing the energy they need to function. When the body runs out of glucose it switches energy sources from glycogen to fat. This can only happen when the body is depleted of its glycogen reserves. It is in this mode that ketone bodies are producedmoleculescreatedby the liver from fatty acids during periods of starvation fasting low food intake carbohydrate restrictive/high fat diets and long intense exercise. Today a ketogenic diet is used to treat cancer seizure disorders like epilepsy Alzheimers disease Parkinsons disease and more. Its slowly gaining popularity but stillrelatively obscurein mainstream medicine and pharmacology(probably because you cant profit from people fasting). That being said its well known as mentioned in this podcast with Joe Rogan and Dr. Dom DAgostino that the pharmaceutical industry is very interested in ketosis. It seems theyreworking to make a pillthat mimics the effects of a ketogenic diet instead of encouraging people to do it naturally. DAgostino and his colleagues published a study titled The Ketogenic Diet & Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Prolong Survival in Mice with Systemic Metastatic Cancerthat explainsits already known thatthe ketogenic diet elevates blood ketones and has been shown to slow cancer progression in both animals and humans. The study also revealed that the ketogenic diet significantly decreased blood glucose slowed tumor growth and increased mean survival time by 56.8 percent in mice with systemic metastatic cancer. Oxygen therapy alone had no effect on cancer progression butwhen combined with a ketogenic diet created an even greater decrease in blood glucose and tumour growth rate and resulted in a 77.9% increase in mean survival time compared to controls. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy used in this study overwhelms tumours with oxygen which has been shown to reverse certain aspects of cancer growth. Its another non-toxic therapy that can help with cancer. Our evidence suggests that these therapies should be further investigated as potential non-toxic treatments or adjuvant therapies to standard care for patients with systemic metastatic disease. ==>watch weight loss program here: = Fitness Tips & Tricks Health/BeautyAutoridade FitnessMulher FIT & CIANestlé FitnessVida FitnessThe Fitness CaféSoy.FitnessFitness Authority Diet Doctor Men’s Fitness Fitness BabesWeight WatchersAll about Fitness UNILAD FitnessFitness GurlsWeight Loss IdeasWeight loss tricky tipsInspiring Weight Loss TransformationsWeight loss tipsWeight Loss SecretsLose Weight By Eating with Audrey Johns Lose Baby WeightHealthy Weight & Diet TipsBeyond DietFitness Diet123dietThe Healthy MummyGym Workout & Diet PlanDiet and NutritionLow Carb Keto DietThe Eat-Clean DietFitness GirlsExtreme Fitness Lifestyle Fitness Exercises Fitness Fitness Lovers Fitness VidLocura FitnessFitness Tips LoversMuscle & FitnessFitness CoupleJosef Rakich FitnessWorld of FitnessFans of Health & FitnessHot Fitness GirlsZac Smith FitnessJayde Nicole Fitness Fitness work outNick Cheadle FitnessINSIDER fitnessFitness MOTIVATIONEverything about FitnessTeam Fitness TrainingAll about FitnessPower Girl FitnessAn&Ed Fitness MotivaciónMauscle & Fitness MagazineMuscle & Fitness HersYo soy fitnessRutina FitnessAdicción Fitness GYMVidaFitPasion FitnessStrongman FitnessDieta FitnessBlack FitnessLA FitnessRE FitnessAnytime Fitnesweight loss diet fitness lose weight
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