Your Handy Ketogenic Diet Guide Ketogenic Diet Guide to Drastically Change Your…

Your Handy Ketogenic Diet Guide Ketogenic Diet Guide to Drastically Change Your Life Sharing a lot of similarities with the low-carb and Atkins diets the ketogenic diet is a high-fat and low-carb diet that provides tons of health benefits. The keto diet is all about cutting your carb intake and swapping it with fats. It puts the body into ketosis a metabolic state that aids in burning fat for energy. The keto diet also plays a key role in converting fat into ketones in your liver supplying your brain with energy. Learn more about one of the best new diets with thisketogenic diet guide. What are the major types of ketogenic diets? There are a few types of ketogenic diets and each has multiple health benefits. The most popular ketogenic diets are: Standard ketogenic diet: This is a high-fat moderate-protein and very low-carb diet. This diet variety consists of only 5% carbs 20% protein and 75% fat. High-protein ketogenic diet: Similar to the previous type this diet consists of 5% carbs 35% protein and 60% fat. Targeted ketogenic diet: This one involves adding some carbs when you work out. Cyclical ketogenic diet: Its about cyclical eating. For instance you follow the ketogenic diet for 4 days and then a high-carb diet for 3 days. Or otherwise. Listen to your body and see what works for you best. While targeted and cyclical ketogenic diets are mostly recommended for athletes and bodybuilders high-protein and standard ketogenic diets are for the majority of people. What are the best ketogenic-friendly foods to eat? There are tons of foods that you can eat on the keto diet but ensure your meal plan includes the following must-eats: Fatty fish like trout salmon mackerel and tuna. Meat like steak red meat bacon sausage ham turkey and chicken. Grass-fed cream and butter. Omega-3 whole eggs or pastured eggs. Healthy oils like avocado oil coconut oil extra virgin olive oil etc. Nuts and seeds including walnuts almonds flax seeds chia seeds pumpkin seeds and others. Any unprocessed cheese like cream goat cheddar mozzarella or blue. Condiments like salt and pepper along with different healthy spices and herbs. Low-carb vegetables such as green veggies peppers onions tomatoes and others. Avocados and homemade guacamole. What are the foods to avoid? Even though its not an elimination diet you still need to stay away from the following foods in order to reap maximum health benefits from the ketogenic diet: Unhealthy fats like mayonnaise processed vegetable oils etc. Sauces and condiments that contain unhealthy fats and added sugars. Diet or low-fat products which are high in carbs and highly processed. Root veggies and tubers including sweet potatoes white potatoes parsnips carrots etc. Legumes or beans like kidney beans peas chickpeas lentils and others. All fruit albeit a small amount of berries like strawberry is allowed. Starches or grains such as rice wheat-based products cereal pasta etc. Sugary foods including fruit juice soda ice creams smoothies candies cakes etc. Alcoholic beverages that have high carb content. Your Handy Ketogenic Diet Guide Final Thoughts The ketogenic diet boasts a myriad of health benefits including a lowered risk of developing diabetes weight loss and increased energy levels. Create your own ketogenic meal plan that will enhance your health and remember to listen to your body. The post Your Handy Ketogenic Diet Guide appeared first on HealthsNutrition.

Source by JennyBrook6369

